Why Brazil, Round Two

I wonder if any of you feel as one respondent did to my e-invitation to join me on the Journey to the Heart of Brazil.

She said, “And what is the footprint of flying folks to this event and how does the cost fit with YMOYL?  Seems you’ve come a long way Vicki…  All the best and I won’t be joining you on this one.

Here’s my answer – and it may help you decide if you are wavering. We need at least 10 people by October 15 to make it a go. We’re not there yet, and the deadline is fast approaching.
You’re right on both counts. Big footprint. Big cost (  though I begged to get it as inexpensive as it is)
Are you being ironic when you say I’ve come a long way?
Here’s the back story.
Brazil is in my “enough” – it is a luxury but I enjoy every second I am there and am making a difference through teaching and consulting.
I did an airplane fast in 2007 as an expression of my values and came out of that teaching teleclasses so I don’t travel as much as before by a long shot, even with an annual brazil trip.
I set up this trip because every time I return I am more relaxed, happy and generative, and friends wanted to come with me.
I calculate my eco footprint and donate all $$ to forest preservation.
When I had cancer 6 years ago I reevaluated my extreme stand on frugality and discovered I was starving myself for some things that feed my soul – some costing nothing and some like this trip a big expense. I chose to have a balanced life and be less of a missionary. In that way coming a long way is a huge positive.
I am at the same time doing a hyper local experiment http://www.10milediet.wordpress.comhttp://www.10milediet.wordpress.com/> . So I’m still at the game of seeing how we all can live well within the means of the earth.
Does this answer your concerns?
Bless you and travel well wherever you go, within or without,


To which she answered:

Nice response Vicki.  As you’ve said many times, each person’s “enough” is their own.  Glad you are following your joy, and I did not mean for you to have to justify what you do to anyone.  You and Joe were pioneers.  Reading your book in 1992 is what have let us semi-retire at 50 and 52 and perhaps fully retire soon in spite of this deep recession.  You have only my admiration and respect.  I’m working on being less judgmental! 🙂  It’s all a journey!

To which I responded:


So if you are denying yourself something that is part of your “enough”, I encourage you to look at what you are doing to yourself. I’m not saying throwing caution to the winds, but the very  heart and soul of Your Money or Your Life and the FI program is “no shame, no blame”, just look honestly and evaluate with your highest values and joy in mind.

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