Study and Teach Your Money or Your Life

We are thrilled to offer two Your Money or Your Life Guides

This one, the FI GROUP STUDY WORKBOOK, is designed to support individuals and groups actually doing the steps in Your Money or Your Life, including worksheets and reflection questions. FI_Goup_Study_Workbook_2009-03-31

This one, the FI PROGRAM GUIDE, is a curriculum for educators who’ve integrated the 9-step program in their own lives and want to teach it through a club, church, school, or organization. FI_Program_Guide_20090421 copy

Thanks to the non-profit organization, the New Road Map Foundation (now laid to rest), these guides were prepared to keep the program moving through the world, doing its good work. Special thanks goes to Rose Hughes who guided the transition of New Road Map Foundation to these free resources before the organization closed its doors.