This is what 65 looks like

Okay, I can’t resist. Just turned 65, which has many benefits. The local movie is $2 off. It’s half off to take the ferry as a foot passenger. Medicare gives me twice the coverage as before – for half the cost. Beyond the financial, though, this cultural passage into “senior citizen” has me celebrating Life – as this photo taken at my birthday party celebrated with my improvisational theater troupe attests …I am simply grateful to be alive. Six years ago I had a 45% chance of even being here, according to the cancer docs.

I am also grateful that the artist and comedienne in me is having a go at running my life, and the entrepreneur is getting the freedom to start and run a business (the VeRA, Vicki Robin and Associates Teleclass School), even as the activist keeps on keeping on (now with the Transition Movement

So lift a glass with me and toast all of us shedding old skins … and putting on day-glo glitter.


  1. Vicki, Happy Birthday! You are an inspiration! I love the photo and remember well celebrating your 40th with you.

    This is all good and a wonderful time for all of us, as you suggest, to shed those skins….

    Hugs and best birthday hugs

    Lots of love, Sue

    Sue Wiedenfeld

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