Helaine Olen, another $ writer, Washington Post columnist and acquaintance of many years, decided to celebrate Your Money or Your Life’s 30th birthday by profiling me – my life/ work/ reflections. To do so, she came to my village on an island and spent 2 days shadowing me. I trotted her around to my favorite haunts – thrift stores and beaches – and to farms and friend’s eco-inspired homesteads. I mean, Washington Post – what an opportunity to insert resilient living into the flow of bad news coupled with fashion, sports and gossip. Enjoy the article, and then I’ll write a few personal reflections at the end.
Why this 1992 personal finance book still has a cult following
By Helaine Olen
October 4, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. EDT8 min
When I told Vicki Robin I wanted to visit her at her home on Whidbey Island, in Puget Sound just north of Seattle, she told me it might be difficult: She could offer me only a foldout sofa. She was renting out her guest rooms below market rate, she said, to people who needed housing.
I laughed. The woman who once famously lived with her companion on about $1,000 per month didn’t want me or The Post — owned by Jeff Bezos, one of the richest people in the world — to pay for a hotel?
Before the hustle economy and the “Great Resignation,” there was Robin and her partner, Joe Dominguez. Their book “Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence,” published 30 years ago this fall, asked us to take control of our financial and work lives by eschewing mindless spending and instead concentrating on what matters, such as family, friends and hobbies.
The book is a thought-provoking mix of common-sense financial advice, philosophical exploration and scathing critique — of both consumer culture, and the way we allow work to dominate our lives. It is an argument that, in many ways, foreshadowed our times.
Yet today, “Your Money or Your Life” — which still sells thousands of copies a year — is rarely mentioned in the context of our current labor moment. Instead, its legacy is mostly celebrated by the tech-bro-heavy, more apolitical FIRE movement — that’s Financial Independence, Retire Early. Adherents have embraced the frugal philosophy and desire for freedom, but not the book’s greater ambitions.
Robin appreciates her younger acolytes, but is concerned that a vital piece of her message has been lost in translation. The FIRE iteration, she says, is often “absent any social or political critique.” But “Your Money or Your Life” was never supposed to be just a self-help guide to saving your own financial life. For Robin, the vision 30 years ago — and the one she still believes in today — was always about how to rescue us all.
Robin, now 77, and Dominguez came out of 1960s alternative counterculture, embracing its critique of American consumerism as a personally and environmentally destructive force. Dominguez, a Wall Street analyst, calculated he would need to save $100,000 and invest it in government bonds to live modestly on the passive income it generated for the rest of his life. When he came up with that sum, he resigned.
The heart of “Your Money or Your Life” is a formula — devised by Dominguez, who died in 1997 — to seize control of our destinies by reexamining what work really costs us, spiritually and literally. How much do we spend commuting? How much do we spend on clothes for the office? How much do we spend on fancy vacations, or fancier cars, so we can tolerate our lives? Subtract that out, and you’ve calculated your real hourly wage, the true amount you are selling your days on earth for. “We aren’t making a living, we’re making a dying,” wrote Dominguez and Robin.
If this sounds familiar, it should. During the pandemic, millions trapped in offices or in break-even, low-wage jobs came to similar conclusions.
“There’s a lot of blather about meaningful work and purpose in life,” Robin tells me. “It’s dangled out as a carrot, and I don’t know how many people actually get to do that.”
But the steps “Your Money or Your Life” recommends are different than the ones undertaken by most recent job hoppers. Instead of finding a better-paying position, the book argues for a different solution: to radically cut back. “Spending money is not an assertion of your freedom. It is the key to your next enslavement,” Robin tells me.
This kind of anti-materialism message was once common on the left. But as inequality soared, it fell into disfavor among many concerned with social justice. It’s a lot easier to preach giving up on conspicuous consumption when it’s an active choice, not a necessity.
Still, that didn’t mean the idea went away. There’s forever a strain in American thought that’s suspicious of our society’s avaricious tendencies. There are Puritans and Quakers, transcendentalists and Shakers, beatniks and practitioners of voluntary simplicity, like Robin.
FIRE is another such movement. It emerged out of the foreclosure crisis and the stock market boom that followed. Robin is, to many in FIRE, an OG of the movement — they discovered “Your Money or Your Life,” and began discussing it on blogs and Reddit forums.
Many FIRE followers argue almost anyone can, with enough willpower, save and invest enough money to live without working full time. But it is a movement that reflects our more solipsistic, dog-eat-dog time. Few adherents express concern about our decaying government safety net. The issues it raises — say, health-care costs — are presented as a financial, not societal, problem to solve. It is, at its base, about looking out for yourself.
The United States, it is said, is a place where the luxuries are cheap but the necessities expensive. It’s not just a lack of gumption and an addiction to consumer goods that prevents Americans from gaining financial freedom; it’s also the enormous cost of basics such as health care, child care, housing and higher education, paired with a dismal minimum wage and worker protections. It’s instructive to discover what finally moved Robin away from extreme frugality and toward the modest but comfortable life she lives now. She was diagnosed with cancer — a disease that can not only kill you, but, courtesy of the United States’ patchy, expensive health-care system, also inflict massive financial damage.
Robin began to spend royalties from “Your Money or Your Life,” which she had previously mostly been giving away, to fund her treatment. The book’s title took on a new meaning — it was, literally, her money or her life. As she first told me a decade ago, and again this month, “Nobility is one thing, but to die of frugality is another.”
Today, Robin considers FIRE followers to be fellow travelers, but she says more of them should address bigger economic and societal concerns. She tells me she would like to see tuition-free college and universal health care, as well as a lifetime basic income in return for a year or two of service. They are, she says, “things that should happen because of justice and environmental sustainability, but will also benefit the FIRE people in the FIRE movement,” adding, “A lot of people are stuck for their entire lives in jobs that do not agree with their souls because of college debt.” The Biden administration’s debt forgiveness plan doesn’t go far enough, in her view. “We need to look as a society at the system that says to succeed you need a college education, but you have to sell your future to get it.”
Robin’s still striving to change the world. She has written a book on eating locally sourced food. (She cooked me a yummy frittata made with onions, peppers, yellow squash and eggs from her property.) An indefatigable social innovator, she’s pushing a plan to encourage Whidbey Islanders to rent out unused bedrooms, to ease a worker shortage caused by high rents. There’s a podcast, too, called “What Could Possibly Go Right,” where she interviews thought leaders on what they think is going, yes, right in the world.
All of us, Robin told me, deserve our “dignity,” something our society all too often strips away. And that message of dignity for all is what she hopes is her legacy. “I never saw it as a book that’s about giving up things,” she says about “Your Money or Your Life.” “I was selling outsmarting a system that’s trying to outsmart you.”
My reflections
First of all, gratitude that someone captured the social and psychological message of Your Money or Your Life.
The FIRE movement emphasizes the practical promise of hyper-savings leading to early retirement. It’s certainly a carrot, when toiling in the fields of vast corporations, not earning enough to get out of a rental, not to speak of debt. The Great Quit/ Resignation, which Helaine and I spoke of at length, is no stranger to people in the FIRE movement. However, freedom as escape is a tantalizing but thin motivation. Absent some purpose, passion, vision, quest for meaning, desire to serve, escape is a relief, for sure, but not a life. Freedom as escape also misses the point that “no man is an island”, that escape without some ethical obligation to improve conditions for others, to change the system that oppressed you, to send some lifesaver out to those still flailing, doesn’t take you deep enough.
Case in point: Joe and I and our team wrote the book not for fame or fortune, but out of a sense of service. We didn’t keep the royalties for the entire first decade of its life as a best seller. We wanted to change the world. To stop consumerism. To liberate people to love more.
Finally, a reporter reported this!
Your Money or Your Life has been a shaping phenomenon is my own life. I’ve tried to put it behind me many times. “It’s a book. It doesn’t need me. It’s out there.” I wanted my own freedom to learn, grow, experience, explore, innovate, influence, screw up, heal, ponder, and play outside the public gaze (and judgement) of being the sole living author of this classic. Currently one passion is my podcast, What Could Possibly Go Right? that seeks the wisdom of others to reflect together on what good might come out of these times.
Yet I’ve come back for 3 updates to at least keep it fresh, and this last one was lifted up unexpectedly by the FIRE community.
I ask again, do I have some opportunity/ responsibility here. Consumerism continues to chew through the living body of the earth. The weirdos who constrain their consumption because of their earth-ethics, as Helaine says, are irrelevant to power holders and critiqued for having some privilege that allows them to step off what we called the “not so merry money-go-round.” I’ve reluctantly absorbed the handwriting on the wall – that we’re IN overshoot and IN collapse – the clear threat that urgently motivated us to write and publicize the book. I watch the circus of distractions and inactions and cargo cult belief that something will save us – and literally weep. This makes me triply grateful to Helaine for bringing out these messages in this article, and I’ll see what comes of it.
I feel like Doña Quixote who has tilted at windmills for 30 years. My Rocinante is so sway backed her belly drags on the ground. Sancho Panza is long gone. I’ve accepted that the windmills are windmills and that Dulcinea is an ordinary person with no aspirations to change. In other words, is there anything left to do? And any motivation left in me to do it?
Yet if opportunity comes to welcome more Helaines or podcasters or whoever in my life to show them around my relocalization passions, yes. Come. I’m loaded with stories and lessons learned. That I’m more than willing to do.
Thank you, dear Robin, for your clarity around the need for ethics and a life of meaning. I so appreciate your voice, your wisdom, your questions, and, perhaps more than anything, your joyful presence in the world, without which your other work would not be so meaningful.
Beautiful! I bookmarked this page to re-read many times again, just like I’ve re-read Your Money Or Your Life many times over.
“Your Money or Your Life” remains a guiding benchmark for me, Vicki — and it can be said that the world-at-large needs to embrace your guidance now more than ever before.
I note the comment from Sabine about “your clarity around the need for ethics and a life of meaning.” In order to contribute to those needs, my wife and I wrote a short and compelling little booklet titled: “GoldenRuleism/Living A GoldenRule-Guided Life.”
It’s not for sale. We’re not trying to make money with the booklet. What we’re trying to do is to “Move the Needle of Humanity Towards Humane-ity” — beginning where each of us live in our communities.
The Charter for Compassion, a national/international nonprofit organization, has endorsed the overarching ethic of GoldenRuleism, and we’re going to be spreading its two principal principles — two simple-to-understand-and-remember sentences — as widely as we possibly can.
May I ask you to consider recommending the Charter for Compassion to your followers. I’m sure they’ll like what they see — including the simple actions they can take to make “where they live” a better place for all.
Thanks for leading us in the “right” directions, Vicki. Carry on!
Hazel Henderson my mentor advocated for the Love Economy run by the Golden Rule
Between this and Conversation Cafe you have left quite a legacy to future generations.
May they heed.
I love being a part of FIRE movement
Hi Vicki. I have recently revisted this book for the 2nd time since I first read it 24 years ago and it was well worth it. What gave me particular comfort this time around is the phrase “Consciousness can grow faster than inflation.” – brilliant! Using a well-worn cliché, it has been a truly life-changing book for me and I have never forgotten its principles which are especially poignant considering that Joe certainly knew about limited life energy. The book goes so far beyond mere mastery of the material world as its concepts are universal and are closer to the spiritual, especially regarding its emphasis on creativity, vision and manifestation.
I am a 22 year student of “A Course in Miracles” and am always runnning into financial jargon such as the true “cost” of things and “return on investment”. Now that I am older and my “material universe is in place” I’ve got my eye on the rising interest rates of government bonds and just might find myself re-reading some of your book’s chapters a third time around. With best wishes, Juliet Naples, Italy
so inspiring to read
Wow, the paragraph starting with “freedom as escape is a tantalizing but thin motivation” rings SO true for me.
My wife and I tried the escape mentality via 3 years of van life, but found it hollow after awhile. Landing in a city and investing deeply in community (with plenty of travel still!) created a feeling of enmeshment and connection we sorely lacked on the road.
Thanks for your wisdom and continued efforts to elevate the FIRE movement above “retire early and just play” mode.
Van life! Can’t post picture in a comment but i have a converted dodge sprinter that i take out whenever i can.
Dear Vicki, Your work has long inspired me and many others. “We are in overshoot” – this brings to mind the Buddhist monk falling off a cliff, momentarily suspended, who gratefully tastes a strawberry with all senses…we have that opportunity plus the ability to grow strawberries for others. You have grown strawberries that continue to enliven people and this is a blessing beyond measure. I’m grateful you’re alive, here, and still sharing your compassionate wisdom and humor. It ain’t over yet, and neither are we!
Vicki, so good to see your face and read your words here.
During the last few years I lived in Seattle I enjoyed Simplicity Circles, YMOYL so much even while living in the corporate whirlwind. I also remember inviting you to speak to a group at Boeing not long after Joe’s passing.
This article taught me about FIRE. Like so much of todays world, FIRE seems to me to focus on self, while (as you said in your comments) while you and YMOYL is so much more about culture and improving the lives of others through conscious choices.
After leaving the Corporate world, I started a very small teaching and consulting company called Life Worth Living in the Midwest. Your principles were much of the foundation of that work. Just last month I sold the domain name that had been my identity for so long.
More recently, I spent 9 years living in an RV doing volunteer work around the country before finally settling down in Texas last year. We CAN make our world a better place!
I am re-inspired. Thank you.
Amy (Sayre) Vejar
what a beautiful inspiring story Amy. Thanks for sharing it