Man, his first half million years

Just in time for the Holiday consumer gorge – a video antidote. Man tells the story of, well, man – but through the somewhat jaded but nevertheless keen and penetrative gaze of London based animator and illustrator Steve Cutts. We get to see half a million years of human history in just a few minutes.

Ernest Callenbach’s last words of wisdom

“Chick” Callenbach was always thoughtful – kind and considered. So of course he considered us all in his last month, and wrote a final essay of wisdom and encouragement that apparently was found on his computer after he died, with instructions for publication. Here it …

Places to Intervene in a System, in case you don’t know

Donella Meadows was one of my great mentors. She, Dennis Meadows and Jorgen Randers were authors of the revolutionary 1974 Limits to Growth Report. These MIT early systems thinkers had the audacity to reveal the results of their computer modeling of resource flows – to …