
TedX Manhattan: Patty Cantrell

Patty puts it together the way I do, seeing the local food networks growing, combining, making a locally sourced food system

Man, his first half million years

Just in time for the Holiday consumer gorge – a video antidote. Man tells the story of, well, man – but through the somewhat jaded but nevertheless keen and penetrative gaze of London based animator and illustrator Steve Cutts. We get to see half a million years of human history in just a few minutes.

Subversive gardening

Roger is funny, clear and connects the dots between population growth, shrinking resources, obesity in a world of hunger, and the possibility that turning our lawns into lunch (vegetables) is a doable revolution. All in 18 minutes. Also, read the comments – some reveal how resistant folks are to simple, self-generated food solutions. What’s with that?